(set:$age to (random:70,90))
Your grandma is $age years old.
She drives a (either: "black", "red", "yellow")) car.
[[tell me more]]Your grandmother is $age years old.
Welcome to the story.
(alert: "Things will get weird.")
(set: $likescake to (confirm: "Do you like cake?"))
(if: $likescake is true)[Yay!]
(else:)[Whatevs~!](set:$name to (prompt: "What is your name?", "George"))
Hello, $name.<h3>Welcome to a number guessing game.</h3>
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. You will be asked to guess it. I will tell you if your guess is higher or lower than the number I've chosen. You win by guessing my number!
(set:$number to (random: 1,100))
[[Let's Play!]]I'm thinking of a number...{
(set: $guess to (prompt: "What number do you guess?", "0"))
(set: $guess to (num: $guess))}
(if: $guess is >$number)[(goto: "too high")]
(if: $guess is <$number)[(goto: "too low")]
(if:$guess is =$number)[(goto: "win")]Your number is too high.
[[Guess again?|Let's Play!]]Your number is too low.
[[Guess again?|Let's Play!]]You got it! The number I was thinking of was $number.
(set: $count to (count:(history:),"Let's Play!"))
It took you $count tries to get it right!
[[Play Again?|history]](reload:)